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2 - 4 July 2025
Avani Pemba Beach Hotel
Cabo Delgado

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MEIS 2025

Milissão Milissão

Milissão Milissão

Executive Board Member, INP - National Petroleum

Born in Mozambique, in Cabo Delgado Province. Milissão Bernardo Milissão holds a degree in Accounting and Auditing from Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique-ISCTEM.

With a specialisation in Tax Law from the Lisbon School of Higher Studies and Business (ESAEN), in partnership with the Polytechnic University from Mozambique, Milissão has also participated indifferent courses, such as training on Global Oil and Gas Systems, and Analysis of Exploration and Production Model Contracts, promoted by Petro Consultant Energy.

In addition to the above mentioned training, she has acquired other expertise in different areas as follows: Certificate in Leadership, in a leadership development program, from the University of Pretoria, South Africa; Certificate in "Enterprise Risk Management (CERM)" from the International Academy of Business and Financial Management(IABFM); Certificate in "International Petroleum Management Program" from the University of Texas, monitored by the Institute For Petroleum Development, Austin, Texas, United States of America (USA) among others.

His profile provides evidence of a history of important functions, with particular emphasis on the area of administrative and financial management practices, accounting and corporate audit, Risk Based Audits (RBA) in differen tinstitutions linked to the financial sector, energy and provision of services, such as Whatana Auto,Lda, Grindrod Fuelogic Mozambique Lda, as well as Petromoc, SA. At Petromoc, SA, where he worked for about nineteen years, he was Head of Internal Audit, Organization, Methods and Risk Management.

Prior to his appointment as a INP Board member, Milissão held the position of Head of Financial Planning and Budget at the company Electricidadede Moçambique (EDM) and his area was crucial to fostering the participation of national workforce and entrepreneurship in the oil and gas projects underway in the country.