Jaime Comiche
56, Mozambican, in UNIDO’s secretariat since 2009, currently Country Representative and UNCT doyen. Served distinct UNDAF cycles as UNPMT chair and convener of economic development outcomes; and also as an advisor to serveral UNRCs. In 2022 co-chaired UNIDO’s Field Reform Working Group 3 on types of offices. Currently co-chairs (with UNECA), the UNSDCF 2022/26 Strategic Priority 2 on Economic Diversification and Sustainable Livelyhoods.
Member of UN-HABITAT’s secretariat 2004-2009. Convened the Mozambique’s " Agenda 2025’s Thematic Working Group Five: Environment, Urban Development and Quality of Living”(2003); the UNDP-country’s DRR, Environment and Climate-Change unit reingineering (2008); and the UN’s “Sustainable-Energy for All” initiative country's opt-in (2012).
Has over 30 years multi-disciplinary experience; is an alumnus of UC Berkeley’s Environmental Leadership Program, holds a MBA from the University of Wales, and an Eduardo Mondlane University’s degree in Architecture and Physical Planning, where is a visiting scholar.
Between 1991 and 2003, co-funded an INGO, several local CSOs. Worked as consultant to public sector, to banking sector, to several UN entities; and in management in the SME sector.
Regular speaker-moderator in policy and academic relevance events, inter alia: the UNECA’s 28th ICSOE (2022); an AEZO’s Workshop – Eco Industrial Parks and Industrial Policy (2021); the UNCTAD’s Industrialization and Development Lectures (2018); a Chatham House’s Africa-Programme infrastructure governance conference (2016); a Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s FDI in Africa seminar (2013); a Financial Times’ African sustainable cities editorial conference (2012); and a Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Comparative Urban Studies Project conference (2005).