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July 2025

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Mozambique Beach

Iolanda Niza das Mercês Almeida

Iolanda Niza das Mercês Almeida

Director of Culture and Tourism, Visit Cabo Delgado Initiative
Iolanda Almeida holds a Master's Degree in Local Development and Tourism Management from Catholic University of Mozambique, and Degree in Agricultural Engineering from Eduardo Mondlane University. She currently serves as Director Provincial Office for Culture and Tourism (DPCT-CD). Recently held the position of Director Provincial of the same sector and was reappointed, within the scope of the decentralization process.

Previously, she held the position of Provincial Director of Science and Technology, Education Superior and Technical Professional (DPCTESTP). From March to July 2017 it accumulated the two Directorates (DPCULTUR and DPCTESTP). She was the youngest person to be nominated. for a similar position in the Province.