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2 - 4 July 2025
Avani Pemba Beach Hotel
Cabo Delgado

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MEIS 2025

Henriques Bustani

Henriques Bustani

Researcher, Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InOM)

Henriques Oreste Bustani, Mozambican, is a PhD student in Biology and Ecology of Global Changes at the University of Aveiro – Portugal and has a Master’s degree in Marine Biology at the same University and is a career assistant researcher at the National Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado Delegation. He has professional interests in areas such as chemical oceanography, artisanal fisheries, aquaculture and environmental pollution. He is a founding member and President of the Mozambican Association for the Promotion of Eco-Tourism, Conservation and Rural Development (AMEC-RURAL), a non-profit association based in the city of Pemba, where Henriques Bustani has been dedicated to social activities linked to Environmental education and sustainable management of urban solid waste.