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2 - 4 July 2025
Avani Pemba Beach Hotel
Cabo Delgado

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MEIS 2025

Armindo Ngunga

Armindo Ngunga

CEO, Agency for Integrated Development of the North (ADIN)

Armindo SaúlAtelela Ngunga, President of the Northern Integrated Development Agency, is a Professor of Linguistics at the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique. He served as Secretary of State in Cabo Delgado Province (2020-2021), Vice-Minister of Education and Human Development (2015-2020), the Director of the Centre of African Studies (2007-2015) and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the UEM (1999-2007). He has published many journal articles and book chapters, edited and written books on Grammar and Lexicography of Mozambican languages He has edited a Collection (“As nossas línguas ‘Our languages’) which has published 12 titles since 2009.